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8 min read
Unmasking the Monster Within Me: How I Realised it’s Okay to Feel Anger
S Sandhu writes on the experience and meaning of anger in our lives and how to be okay with it.

8 min read
On bell hooks, Therapy, and Self-Care: Choosing Yourself by Choosing Community
Raiyah Butt writes on the different ways to approach self-care as we start the new year.

6 min read
Z is for Zoom Fatigue
In the final instalment of the Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, we have Komal Samrow writing about Zoom Fatigue.

5 min read
Y is for You (Are Enough)
In the penultimate piece for the Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, S Sandhu explores the idea of being inherently enough.

6 min read
Silent Monsters Under the Bed: Demythifying Post Partum Depression
Invisible Conversations: TLP x Aara Health take a deep dive into postpartum depression and its effect on mothers.

4 min read
X for Xenophobia
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Maansi Vohra writes about xenophobia.

6 min read
W is for Withdrawal
In TLPs ongoing Mental Well-being Dictionary, S Sandhu explores the meaning of withdrawal in our lives.

5 min read
V is for Victim-blaming
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Aakansha Veenapani discusses victim-blaming and its roots in patriarchy.

4 min read
U is for Uncertainty (Avoidance)
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Malika N. Mehta explores the concept of "uncertainty avoidance' and its relevance currently.

7 min read
Mental Wellbeing Dictionary: T For Trauma
In TLP's ongoing series, the Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, S. Sandhu discusses her journey with chronic trauma and the road towards healing.

5 min read
Mental Wellbeing Dictionary: S is for Survivor’s Guilt
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Malika Noor Mehta writes on the guilt of surviving a life-threatening situation when others d

6 min read
R for the Recency Effect
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Malika Noor Mehta explores how the Recency effect influences memory and learning.

4 min read
Q is for quiet
In TLPs ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Malika Noor Mehta reflects on the many meanings of Quiet.

6 min read
P is for Postpartum Depression
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Malika Noor Mehta discusses postpartum depression and the need for community support systems.

5 min read
O for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
In TLP's ongoing Mental Wellbeing Dictionary, Malika Noor Mehta discusses the nuances of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

5 min read
N is for Neurosis
Dr. Amrita Kajaria writes about the importance of understanding neuroses for TLP's Mental Wellbeing Dictionary.

5 min read
M is for Music Therapy
Music soothes the soul. And in these incredibly challenging times, who doesn’t need a bit of soothing?

6 min read
L is for languages of love
Love is multivariable. And its expression, multifaceted. Each person has their own language of love.

5 min read
K for Kleptomania
In TLP's on-going Mental Well-being Dictionary, Malika Noor Mehta writes about de-stigmatising and understanding kleptomania.

5 min read
J is for Justice
At its core, Justice indicates fairness and equity. But what does justice mean in the realm of mental health?
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